摘要: 在目前農業養殖場所用的催肥劑或長肉劑其實是一種抗生素。所以抗生素在動物身上的運用開始變成習慣,進而演變成今天濫用的局面。 The fattening-agent which found in animal-farming actually is antibiotic.Theref ...
在1928弗萊明教授(Prof. Alexander Fleming)在一的奇巧發現了青黴素或稱盤尼西林(Penicillin),是一種能抗病毒的藥物。而這個發現使人類在醫學界出現了一新的名詞: 抗生素(antibiotic)
In 1928 Prof. Alexander Fleming makes a huge discovery in human history. He accidentally found one type of fungus call Penicillin which able to counter or kill virus microbes. A new term arise in medical history which name as Antibiotic.
The fattening-agent which found in animal-farming actually is antibiotic. In farm animal, penicillin was used experimentally in 1942, before widely use by the doctor. Amazingly find out a low dose of antibiotic use in the poultry grew faster. Hens laid more egg, cow gave more milk, surviving rate getting increase and get fat. Previously those poultry and animal have low resistant for the diseases, once outbreak of martinis the whole flock or herd will be infected. Therefore the usages of antibiotic become growth promoting which led to abuse of usage.
As the animal and poultry have the antibiotic to prevent certain viruses, new type of resistance antibiotic virus arise too. Farmer has to increase the usage or dose as treatment each time. Every usage of antibiotic fed on the animal, have a period decompose, however those farmer have no time to waste after considering the cost and profit. They would early release to the public even though under contaminated period. Cases like food poisoning appear frequently past few years.
Human system change drastically when consume with this type of meat, dairy product, egg especially on children. Children’s body getting fat and rapidly fast growing. The normal biological system is interrupting from physically and mentally structure, for example girl measurement cycle. There were cases report a young girl get pregnant at 8 years old. Don’t be surprise this type of news become frequent while the age children may get younger. As human carry the antibiotic decedents from the food, it exposed their body to the resistant virus which led human have to spend more time for recovering, or more money to discover new medic for cure.
There is suggestion from some agency to remove antibiotic usage from animal farming, but only reduce dosage practice for meantime. The capitalism between costing and profit which led the animal farmer has to depend on it. A calf need 5 year for well growth before send to process, but with aid of antibiotic only need 3 years. A new hash chick need 26week to growth but with antibiotic only need 2 weeks.
Colonel Gomme-Duncan MP, 1953 comment:
“May I ask whether we have all gone mad... to give penicillin to pigs to fatten them? Why not give them good food, as God meant them to have?”
As a bright consumer may realize those foods, you consuming are heavily contaminated especially from animal. Do you think about your family children? Is there any way to guarantee their safety?
Actually my suggestion being a vegan isn't a bad idea.
2014年01月08日 20:54(個人感悟 僅供参考)
(For personal reference only)